N° KD605001
Namespatron Saints - Patron Saints - Saints men in wood - Bishop
to the Nativitys
to the saint statues
The bishop is in charge (pastor) in some Christian churches of a diocese and, in Catholicism, Orthodoxy, in Anglicanism and in all churches that believe in the historical episcopate, he is considered a successor of the Apostles.
N° KD6110A
St. Adalbert
N° KD6110B
St. Adalgar
N° KD6110C
St. Adelphus of Metz
N° 3011
St. Adolf with book
N° KD605003
St. Agrippinus of Naples
N° KD6110D
St. Alban
N° KD605004
St. Alberic of Utrecht
N° 3012
St. Albert with book
N° KD605005
St. Albert
N° 3013
St. Albin with book
N° KD6110E
St. Alfons
N° KD605007
St. Alwin
N° KD605008
St. Amator
N° 3050
St. Ambrose with beehive
N° KD605010
St. Anselm
N° KD6111
St. Ansgar
N° KD6110F
St. Anthony Mary Claret
N° 3001
St. Augustine with heart
N° KD610011
St. Augustine of Hippo
N° KD605012
St. Augustine of Canterbury
N° KD6111A
St. Basilius
N° KD605013
St. Basinus of Trier
N° 3014
St. Benedikt with book and Raven
N° KD6111B
St. Benno of Meißen
N° KD605014
St. Bertrand with Book
N° 3015
St. Berward with book and chalice
N° KD6100
St. Bishop
N° KD6050
St. Bishop baroque
N° KD605015